Special Kids EC Marketplace

Voile gingham sleeveless shirt [130/150cm size]

List price: 3,800 
You save: 1,900 円 (50%)
Price in points: 1900 points
AK5117 16130
1 item(s)

*Since this item is offered at a sale price, it cannot be returned or exchanged. Please check the size etc. carefully before ordering.
*In the event of a defect or damage, we may not be able to provide a replacement product. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

[Price (excluding tax)]
130 size: 1,900 yen
140/150 size: 2,100 yen

[Material] 100% cotton


*For 120/Gray, 140/Gray, 150/Blue, M/Gray, please use the ANGEL KIDS WEAR main store .


[About washing]

●Machine washable. (Please avoid tumble drying)
